Research Projects

Innovative Solutions in Measurement and Sensor Technology

Current Projects


2021 - 2023
Cloud-based battery lifecycle monitoring system for electromobility and energy storage
Funding Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)
Project Number 03EI3019B
Partners TUC-Mess- und Sensortechnik, Gossen Metrawatt GmbH, AMAC GmbH


  • Design of electronic circuit for impedance spectroscopy
  • Design of binary excitation signals for one-quadrant impedance spectroscopy
  • Signal processing: correction of DC bias


2017 - 2020
Continuous and cost-effective signal monitoring for industrial bus systems


  • Novel approach for continuous cable monitoring
  • Electronic circuit specification for undersampled measurement
  • Signal processing: Cable quality intference from undersampled signals
  • Machine learning-based approach for detection of open and short circuits

Past Projects

Capacitive Measurement System

Master's Thesis Project at TU Chemnitz
  • Designed system for precise capacitive measurements (10 pF to 1 nF)
  • Conducted theoretical analysis and simulation
  • Developed and tested prototype implementations

Multiple Object Tracking

Graduation Project at ENIS and Université d'Artois
  • Estimation theory: Implemented various tracking algorithms (Kalman, Unscented Kalman, Extended Kalman, Particle filter)
  • Conducted comparative performance analysis using MATLAB
  • Applied algorithms to aerial object tracking and computer vision

Industry Experience

Agrimote Project

Tunisia Development Systems (TDS)
  • Developed shielding boards for PIC controllers
  • Created test programs for agricultural monitoring
  • Enhanced system reliability

Solar Panel Feasibility Study

STEG (Société Tunisienne de l'Electricité et du Gaz)
  • Learned about electrical installation, especially at MV network
  • Developed real-time power generation simulator using Excel and VB.NET
  • Contributed to renewable energy initiatives (Solar panels)